We provide a caring learning childcare environment that adheres to Te Whariki (the New Zealand early childhood curriculum) and our child care philosophy of child-led development. Some experiences are planned based on children’s interests, many are spontaneous and ideas from our children. All of them are fun.
Arts and crafts, music, dance, role play, dramatic play, construction, messy pay, sand pit, clay, dough, forts, racetracks, puzzles, games, stories, excursions … the opportunities to have fun are endless – and the learning is too.
Outdoor environment
We believe that well-designed outdoor spaces stimulate the diversity of children’s play experience and contribute to their healthy development. We have generous outdoor play areas for our babies, toddlers and preschoolers, catering to the unique needs of each stage. Our outdoor area features trees, flowers and a vegetable patch – connecting children with nature and diversifying their outdoor experience. Visit our Marton childcare centre to see more.
Educational resources
To encourage discovery and open children’s imaginations, we’ve spent a lot of collecting the best toys and resources to aid this. From high quality wooden toys to natural materials and high-quality puzzles, children have a diverse range of resources to quell their curiosity. Contact our friendly team to know more about how every day at All About Children Marton looks like.
Catering to children from birth to two years, our infants room provides a safe, calm and nurturing environment for the youngest members of the All About Children Marton family. A primary care teaching system ensures that babies and young children experience a consistent, warm and responsive bond with a key teacher. In the nursery, days are guided by the babies, their rhythms and moods with enough opportunities presented to help them reach key milestones. When they do reach this milestone, we celebrate as happily as you do!
Over two’s
Between 2 and 5 years, children are bursting with energy and inquisitiveness. At this stage, our educators use observation and understand individual and group interests, to encourage and expand the learning of children. In these terrific years, your child will embark on an adventure of learning, trying to master everything from self-help skills in the toileting and dressing area, to becoming an independent individual, ready to transition to primary school. Throughout the day there is something to keep them busy, happy and extending their learning.